My Babies :-)

C Babies (26.10.2006)
Coricopat Bonany is the father of this litter

 2 Boys / 2 Gatinhos:
Clown e Cagey
3 Girls / 3 Gatinhas:
Cat Spell, Caley e Cloudy Cat


F Babies (13.07.2007)
The father of this litter is Coricopat Bonany

2 Boys / 2 Gatinhos:
Fairy Tale e Forest Fire
3 Girls / 3 Gatinhas:
Freddie, Final Fantasy e Friday the 13th


M Babies (27.08.2008)
The father of this litter is Boreas Land Garibaldi

3 Boys / 3 Gatinhos:
Modigliani, Matisse e Mozart


O Babies (13.04.2009)
The father of this litter is Cheops du Soleil de Minuit

2 Boys / 2 Gatinhos:
Oliver e Obelix
4 Girls / 4 Gatinhas:
Outlaw, Owl, Ocean Blue e Ochre Nose


S Babies (15.02.2010)
The father of this litter is Killyan's Forest Elkington

2 Boys / 2 Gatinhos:
Stardust e Silvester
1 Girl / 1 Gatinha:
Sunrise Mist


V Babies (18.01.2011)
The father of this litter is Cheops du Soleil de Minuit

1 boy and 3 girls
from left to right we have:
Valerie, Vincent, Vicky and Velvet Rose :)


Y Babies (23.10.2011)
The father of this litter is Flamenco du Soleil de Minuit

1 boy and 2 girls
from left to right we have:
Yours Truly, Yogi Bear and Ynot
This is Axelle's last Litter she is retired now :)
B2 Babies (10.08.2012)
The father of this litter is Cheops du Soleil de Minuit
3 boys and 1 girl
from left to right we have: